Mobile payment widget redesign

2020 – 2021

Yoomoney mobile payments widget is mobile library that allows you to integrate payment acceptance into mobile apps on iOS and Android. It works as an extension to the YooMoney API.

Yoomoney ↗ ex.Yandex.Checkout – A fintech service for accepting online and offline payments. Stripe-ish. With MAU 10k merchants. Yandex.Checkout has been the most popular payment application ↗ in Russia since 2015.



Over two years period at Yandex ↗, I designing Yoomoney for business app. Product manager and I made key decisions in the app. Usually I worked on the app by myself. But sometimes I asked for help and I lead 1-2 designers.


First version of the widget was made more than 5 years ago and hasn’t chance since that time. During this time, a lot of requests from businesses have accumulated and obvious problems in UX have been noticeable.

In the process of research, users were surveyed about the current version, collecting product needs and technical limitations from developers. The research results were analyzed, problems were identified and the following goals for improvement were identified:

  • simplify payment methods

  • cimprove the card payment method

  • add new payments methods like SberPay and linked cards

  • add brand customization.


Prototypes are assembled, tested, modified, and re-tested to a successful version. Visual design was created based on the design system.

List of payment methods


Bank card and different input states


Yoomoney wallet method


Brand customization and dark theme



  • UX of the payment logic and confirmation was improved

  • conversion rate improvement by 9% for bank card payments, which is the main payment method

  • added new features, for example, SberPay

  • improved brand customization and added a dark theme

Have a question, some feedback, or an outrageous idea?

Please, please, please send it my way